The Wizard
When you first launch Cerberus FTP Server, the Getting Started Wizard will guide you through the essential steps of configuring the server for client connections. By the end of this process, your server will be fully equipped to accept connections from a range of clients, including FTP, FTPS, SSH SFTP, and HTTP/S.
Step 1 – Network Setup
Public IP Auto-detection for Passive Mode FTP
Configuring basic FTP access to your server can be complex, especially when it comes to preparing the machine to accept FTP data connections. Unlike SSH SFTP or HTTP/S protocols, FTP requires two connections for each client session, making it more complicated. The first connection is used to exchange commands and status between the FTP server and the client, while the second connection is created every time a directory listing or file transfer takes place. To establish the secondary data connection, the FTP server has to respond with an IP address and port that the client can connect over. To simplify this process, the server automatically detects the IP address of the server on the Internet and uses it when sending the client connection instructions.
Network Setup
Upon launching Setup wizard, it opens to the Network tab and public IP auto detection immediately starts. The Network Setup page detects basic network settings and tries to provide advice on any changes that may need to be made because of the computer’s network configuration.
The Network Setup page detects basic network settings and tries to provide advice on any changes that may need to be made because of the computer’s network configuration.
Network Setup
Step 2 – Security
The Security page of the Getting Started Wizard helps the administrator configure a few basic server security settings.
Cerberus FTP Server fully supports TLSv1.2/v1.3 encryption over FTP (FTPS), HTTPS, and SSH SFTP. To enable FTPS, HTTPS, and SSH SFTP support, a digital certificate must be generated for the server. This digital certificate contains the necessary security data to allow the server to establish encrypted connections with clients.
Cerberus FTP Server automatically generates a new, self-signed certificate for you the first time you run the Getting Started Wizard, and displays common details. You can replace the certificate at any time through the Security page of the Server Manager.
Web Administration Password
The Security Wizard page allows you to set up a single password that can be used for both web administration and remote API access.t is recommended to set a strong password, regardless of whether or not you use web administration.
Step 3 – Initial User Creation
The User Creation page will allow you to automatically create a simple user account with access to a directory on the local machine. You can use this account to test out your initial connection to the server. You can turn off the creation of the user account by unchecking the “Create Initial User?” checkbox.
By default, ‘inituser’ user will be created under the User Manager. The default ‘inituser’ user will have download and upload-only access to the “C:\ftproot\inituser” directory as their root drive. This directory will be created if it does not already exist. Please note, the default settings for the ‘inituser’ user allow anyone to connect to your FTP server with the provided password. To create your own user account, you may choose a different user name, and their default directory will be created as “C:\ftproot\differentUserName. If you’d rather customize a new user in full rather than the default settings, uncheck the “Create Initial user” box and the ‘inituser’ user will not be added.
You can further customize the newly added user, or create and manage additional users, by navigating to ‘User Manager’ > ‘Users’ after the “Getting Started” wizard has finished.
Final Steps
To finalize the setup process, simply click the 'Setup Server' button on the Getting Started Wizard. Your server is now equipped to receive local network connections from FTP/S, SSH SFTP, or HTTP/S. However, to allow external access to your server from outside your local network, please refer to the next section for any necessary adjustments to your firewall or router.
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