Configuring Advanced Settings
The advanced settings page contains options for passive mode, running as a Windows Service, network buffers, and power management.
The Advanced page of the Server Manager
Advanced page
Send and Receive Buffers
These settings control the size of the buffers used for data transfers. Cerberus will read and write packets of this size for send and receive operations.
Socket Send | Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for sends. This value is in bytes. Maximum of 1048676 bytes. |
Socket Receive | Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for receives. This value is in bytes. Maximum of 1048676 bytes. |
FTP Send | The size of the send buffer used for reading file data and writing data to the network for unencrypted FTP transfers, in bytes |
FTP Receive | The size of the receive buffer for reading network data and writing data to files for unencrypted FTP transfers, in bytes. |
Listener Advanced Settings
These are advanced settings for Listeners
Undetected IP Address | If Cerberus fails to detect an IP Address, you can input the undetected IP address here. A service restart is required after adding the IP. |
Windows Advanced Settings
Respond to power management events | If enabled, Cerberus will attempt to gracefully shutdown and startup in response to power suspend and resume events. May allow more graceful recovery from suspending and resuming the system. |
Shutdown Server when Windows is shutting down | Detects operating system shutdown or restarts and tries to gracefully terminate all connections and ensure all server settings are saved. |
Try Alternative Active Directory Group Check | Uses an older method of checking an AD Active Directory user's group information. This fallback method may work in some situations when Cerberus cannot reliably detect all of the groups an AD user is a direct member of. |
Events Advanced Settings
These are advanced settings for Listeners
Show Event Queue Sizes |
Adds a new pane to the Cerberus User Interface Summary pane showing a list of messages queued by Cerberus |
Web Client Advanced Settings
Force Reload of Web Client Resources |
Cache BustingIf you modify any Web Client templates or JavaScript outside of Cerberus, you can force users' browsers to refresh these resources and not use previously cached versions. This control is a one-time action; after saving, this value will automatically be turned off again. Once saved, this change is immediate. |
Use Legacy Client UI | Toggle this option to return back to legacy web client styling |
Beta Features
These are advanced settings for Listeners
Enable BETA Features |
Toggle this option to enable experimental BETA features. NOTE: There is no official support for these features. We do recommend signing up for our BETA release mailing list, and we welcome any and all feedback about our new, experimental features. |
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