Enabling Account Requests
To allow account requests it must be enabled. This can be done from the Listeners page of the Server Manager.
- Go to the Listeners page of the Server Manager (pictured above)
- Select the HTTP/S interface you wish to change (not the default interface)
3. Select "Allow Web Account Requests"
4. Press Update
You can also configure CAPTCHA to display the account request form to reduce automated form submissions by bots. CAPTCHA can be configured for both the login and account request forms through the Interfaces page of the Server Manager.
Approving or Denying Account Requests
Administrators can view pending account requests through both the Account Requests page of the User Manager in the Cerberus GUI or through the Account Requests administrator web page. Accounts can be approved or denied through either method by selecting an account and using the Approve or Delete button.
Approved accounts are automatically created and activated on the Users page of the User Manager and can be further customized there.
Additional information on Web Account Requests can be found here
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