Share Settings
You can use the Public Shares page in the User Manager (available in the Enterprise edition only) to control and administer users’ public file shares.
Advanced Public Share Settings
Advanced Public Share Settings Section in the User Manager (through Cerberus 13.1.0)
Advanced Public Share Settings Section in the User Manager including One Time Password Settings (from 13.2.0)
Standard Public Share Settings
Disable All Public Sharing | Disable public file sharing for all users. This will also remove the tabs and options for sharing in the Web Client. |
Default Public Send SMTP Server | This is the default email server used to send public file or folder-sharing emails from the HTTPS web client. You can add and remove SMTP servers from the Event Targets page of the Event Manager. |
Send Public emails from SMTP server account instead of user email address | Normally, Cerberus will use the name and email address on the user’s account as the FROM address when sending emails. When this option is checked, the FROM email name and address configured with the SMTP server is used instead of the FROM address when sending public share emails. This may be required by some SMTP servers, such as O365. |
Default Share Duration | This is the default number of hours that files and folders will be shared if the user does not specify a time. |
Maximum Share Duration |
This is the maximum duration that a file or folder can be shared by a user. If the user picks a longer time, the maximum time will be applied instead. Administrators can extend the share duration to any length through the Shares web administration page. |
Require Password on Shared Files | If checked, public file shares will be required to assign a password to the public share link. The server will reject sending the email if the user tries to include the password in the email body. |
Enforce system password policy on shared files | If checked, when assigning a password for a public share link, the password complexity requirements defined under the policy setting will be enforced. |
Obfuscate Publicly Shared Filenames | If checked, Cerberus removes the filename in the URL of all public shares. Enabling this feature causes public share links to have randomized characters in place of file names. Public shares now give no indication of what is shared. |
Disable “On every Access” Public Share Notifications for Users | If checked, users will not see an option to get notifications for every access using a public share. Users will still be able to select from no notifications or on first access. |
Allow AD user to delete files on expiration |
Checking this box will remove the delete files feature from expiring public shares for AD users. |
One Time Password (OTP) Public Share Settings (From Cerberus FTP Server 13.2.0)
Status |
The OTP status can be disabled completely, Required to be used. As a security feature, we recommend having both Require Password on Public Shares checked and OTP status set to Required. This would require a public share recipient to both verify they have access to the allowed email address, and have access to the password set on the share itself. |
Password Complexity and code length | All OTP are given as a combination of numbers and lowercase letters. An administrator can define their password to a certain combination of both by moving the sliders, assuming the combined length is greater than four and less than 29. A longer password requires more time to generate and enter, but a shorter one is less inherently secure. Passcodes of length 6-8 seems are standard in most applications. Default is 6 numbers. |
Code Time to Live |
In keeping with security efforts, this passcode will only be active and usable by the guest for a limited period of time. A timed One Time Password is useful to stop someone from generating passcodes and being able to authenticate without needing access to the email address from that point on. Due to variances in email transmission times, the lifetime of an OTP should be a relatively long period of time, between 5 - 30 minutes. |
Code Lockout | Controls how many failed OTP authentications are allowed before a guest is locked out of the share. Once locked, the Client must unlock them using the Public Share page. |
Code Resend |
Controls how many times a guest may repeatedly request an OTP. Once a guest reaches the limit (default 5) they are put in a "soft-locked" state for 20 minutes. This prevents guests from leveraging OTP to send an excessive number of emails. Locked states can be cleared by the Web Client user that created the share by going to their 'Shares' page on the Web Client. |
Maximum Guests Per Share | Limits the number of emails that may be stored and set for each share. If a system has many public shares and the limit is higher, there will be an impact on memory and CPU usage. Administrators should consider how this setting will impact their Cerberus instance and the hardware running it and balance that with the ease of use for their users in managing a single share with a larger number of guests. The limit can be anywhere from 50 - 1000 recipients per share. |
Enforce system password policy on shared files | If checked, when assigning a password for a public share link, the password complexity requirements defined under the policy setting will be enforced. |
Obfuscate Publicly Shared Filenames | If checked, Cerberus removes the filename in the URL of all public shares. Enabling this feature causes public share links to have randomized characters in place of file names. Public shares now give no indication of what is shared. |
Disable “On every Access” Public Share Notifications for Users | If checked, users will not see an option to get notifications for every access using a public share. Users will still be able to select from no notifications or on first access. |
Allow AD user to delete files on expiration |
Checking this box will remove the delete files feature from expiring public shares for AD users. |
Public Share Options Icons
Administrative Public Share Listing
To learn what an icon means, find it below.
One Time Password is Required (Cerberus 13.2.0 and above)
Indicates that this public share requires an OTP.
Share Permissions
The up arrow indicates users can upload files to the share.
The down arrow indicates users can download files from the share.
Password Protected
The lock icon will appear if the share is password protected.
The trash can icon indicates that files will be automatically deleted when the share expires.
Email Notification
The envelope icon indicates that email notifications are enabled for the share.
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