In Event Manager > Scheduled Tasks you can create a recurring task to create a backup file of the server configuration.
Adding the New Task
- Go to the Scheduled Tasks page of the Event Manager
- Click the New button. The Add A New Scheduled Task dialog will appear.
- In Task Name, give your new task a relevant name. For example, “Server config backup”.
- Press the Add New Task button on the Add A New Scheduled Task dialog to save and add the new Scheduled Task. The task will be selected and ready for editing on the Scheduled Tasks page.
Add Scheduled Task
Adding the Task Schedule
Add a recurring schedule for your new task.
- Click the New button under 'On This Schedule'.
- In Start Date select the date you wish your recurring task to start.
- In Repeat Every select the recurring schedule. Available intervals range from minutes to years.
- Click Add to save your selected schedule.
Adding the Task Action
Add a Launch Server Operation action to have the system write the backup file.
- Click the New button under 'Perform These Actions'.
- In Action select Launch Server Operation.
- In Using select Create a backup file of the server configuration.
- In Parameter insert the full local file path, including the file name, where you wish to have your backup file written.
- Click Add to save your selected Action.
Example Scheduled Task
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