Configuring Web Client Login Page Messages
You have the ability to use HTML when customizing the Web Client login page. The login page for password-protected public shares can also be customized. This allows you to set a customized welcome message, include images, or require acknowledgment of terms and conditions.
Select the checkboxes on the specific HTTP/S listener your end-users use to access the web client to show the Welcome Message and/or Require Welcome Acknowledgement.
Once set, 'Show Welcome Message' will present an expanded graphic on the normal login page. If the 'Require Welcome Acknowledgement' is checked, any users accessing the web client will be presented with a checkbox that will prevent the user from continuing until checked.
In previous versions of Cerberus, and by default in version 12, the welcome message is shared between all protocols, both FTP and HTTP. This was required to be in English only, due to protocol limitations. In Cerberus 11 and below, navigate to 'Server Manager' -> 'Messages' > 'Welcome Message' to configure this message.
Configuring a Custom Web Client Welcome Message
You can customize the Web Client welcome message and acknowledgment. This is done on the Localization page. See Localization for more details on this functionality. Four language tags control what your end-users see when they log in. Follow these steps to customize your Web Client Welcome Message
- Select your language: On the Localization page, select the language you’re translating.
- To replace the 'Welcome to Cerberus FTP Server' message on the Web Client: Add a custom entry in the 'Current Language' column of 'L_LOGIN_HTML_WELCOME_MESSAGE'. When this field is empty, Cerberus uses the 'Welcome Message' entry on the 'Messages' tab (For more details, see the Changing the 'Login Welcome Message' section of Web Client Customizations). Once filled with your own HTML formatted text, it will display on the web-client login page.
- To replace the Welcome Acknowledgement checkbox message: Add a custom message to the 'Current Language' column of 'L_LOGIN_WELCOME_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'.
Together, these two settings control what your user sees once the Listener checkbox is set to show the welcome message (see the listener settings instructions above).
Configuring a Custom Public Password Login Message
You can customize the public password login screen welcome message and acknowledgment. If you share public share links and set a password on them, this is the screen where the user enters the password sent to them.
- Set custom public login welcome message: Add a custom message in the 'Current Language' field of 'L_PUBLIC_LOGIN_HTML_WELCOME_MESSAGE'. This allows a different welcome message to users who are accessing the public share.
- Set custom public login acknowledgment message: Add a custom message in the 'Current Language' field of 'L_PUBLIC_LOGIN_WELCOME_ACKNOWLEDGMENT'. This allows you to set different terms and conditions acknowledgment messages for users accessing public shares
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