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A folder was created ending with a period and now can't be deleted




  • Jason Chambers


    We are on version 11.1 and as it is currently implemented it is broken in the web interface. When a folder is created with a trailing period or a period followed by white space, the web interface can no longer interact with it. As mentioned above, if a user tries to delete it, it won't actually delete. Worse, if the user shares the folder with a public share link, the link is not usable. When the user attempts to upload. The log shows: Unable to find directory '... Inc.\*' : The system cannot find the path specified.

    We have customers being locked out by DDOS protection, because the link is invalid. The only solution we've found is to delete the folder using the \\?\ method and recreate it without the trailing period.

    I created a case on this, request # 1077680, in January and was told their was already an enhancement request to fix this. The enhancement had no timeline.

    These paths might not be invalid when using \\?\, but they functionally are. Windows Explorer won't interact with them. Most 3rd party software, including yours, gets a path not found message when trying to interact with them. Please fix this.


    edit: added a sentence to better clarify when the error and lockout occurs.

  • Dana Anderson
    Product Support

    Hello, Steve. 

    You can delete a file with a "." using the following command

    del /s "\\?\<File path>"

    If it's a folder 

    rd /s "\\?\<Folder or Filepath>"

    The funny thing is this is a capability we specifically added in a prior bug fix. We had a few customers asking to allow periods. 

    While we could disallow this, the path is valid in Windows and can be accessed from clients that properly escapes the path.

    We will have to do further research here, but this currently functions as intended. Many clients have issues with these paths, but they aren’t invalid. Windows will allow you to create the path from the command line if the path is escaped in a special way.

    For example, you can create the directory in Windows from the command line with this command:

    md "\\?\c:\ftproot\folder_period_end."

    Cerberus is able to create and manipulate files and folders in these paths just fine, but many applications aren’t.

    I will pass this along to development for review. 

  • Steve Hoyer

    Thanks Dana,

    I could have sworn I had tried that, but I think at the time I was envisioning a space at the end of the directory name being the problem. I'd found the same solution here... didn't go back and try the "rd" again once I figured out it was the period not an invisible space at the end of the name.

    However, from within the HTTPS interface, I cannot delete the folder. It says deleted at the top, but doesn't actually remove the directory, which in this case is empty.

    We are up to date with the releases.

    Current Version, 64-bit




  • Dana Anderson
    Product Support

    Hey, Steve. 


    Let me do some testing on my end here. I will get back to you ASAP. 



  • Steve Hoyer

    Hi Dana,

    In case it makes a difference, the underlying folders in which these folders are created are encrypted at the OS level.



  • Steve Hoyer

    Hi Dana,

    We had this happen again with one of our police agencies. Any chance we can get a switch to turn the trailing period ability off? Should I put in a feature request?


  • Dana Anderson
    Product Support

    Hello, All. 

    I just wanted to provide an update on this. 


    Cerebrus version 11.2.1 should be released within the next 5-10 days this version addresses this problem. 

    Once 11.2.1 is ready for release we will update your corresponding support ticket to let you know the release is ready for download. 


  • Dana Anderson
    Product Support



    Cerberus FTP Server 11.2.1 and 10.0.24 have been released! Both include a fix to how Cerberus handles folders with periods. 


    Please contact support if you run into any issues. 



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