Avoid ambiguous characters when generating random passwords
Request: Add a checkbox to avoid ambiguous characters when generating random passwords with Cerberus.
Why is it a problem: We had a random password generated today, and have have similar in the past, which read something like: g&hfIler0O. This is very difficult to read to someone over the phone or have someone type in when copy/paste isn't an option.
Workaround: For now, we have to manually catch it when it happens and replace the characters with something else.
Suggestion for fix: Add a checkbox right below your options to 'include numbers', 'include caps', 'include special characters', to now also read "Avoid ambiguous characters". BitWarden does this if you need to see a real world example.
An example of ambiguous characters would be:
- * l (lower case L) and I (upper case i) and 1 (the number one)
- * O (upper case o) and 0 (the number zero)
- * 8 (eight) and B (upper case B)
Hello Casey,
Thanks so much for taking the time to submit an enhancement request! I do see the value in being able to have more control over your randomly generated passwords. I have seen this in use within Bitwarden, so I can understand the desire for such functionality. I'll get this on over to our Product team for their review and scoping. We will reach out here, or through a ticket if we need anything further regarding this request.
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