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  • Official comment
    Ron Hagag

    Hi Chris, Tyler, 
    Thank you for sharing this request.
    SAML support is currently in the works and is planned for our next major release - release 13.

    As we aim for a major release every 12-18 months, release 13 planned availability is towards the end of 2022, and it will include SAML SSO support along with multiple other anticipated new features.


    Stay tuned

  • Chris Thomas

    This should be mandatory as businesses move to consolidate authentication and federate for B2C and B2B requirements.

  • chris

    what is the timeline on the 'next big release' ? does this mean 12.8, or 13.0?

  • Jeff Scott
    Product Support

    Hello Chris,


    Ron was referring to Cerberus FTP Server version 13.  We do not have an exact release date for the release at this time.

  • Litim, Nacerdine


    Do we have a date for version 13.

    currently working to get our ftp solution replaced and SAML feature is mandatory .


  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Nacerdine,

    Our development team is working diligently on version 13. While we do not have a release date at this time, pending any QA or development delays, we hope to release version 13 Q1 of next year.

  • Nathan Levandowski

    OpenID would be really nice for external users because you could give the option to log in with Microsoft Account, or log in with Google Account without needing any integration or setup from their IT team like you do with SAML. A lot of websites are giving the log in with Microsoft Account option now which makes it very easy for the end user to have single sign on without any effort from their IT.

  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hey Nathan,

    We actually have a current enhancement request open for OpenID implementation. I'll make sure your interest makes it to the Product team to reflect the desire for this. Thanks!

  • Jason Parrish

    What is the latest about support for Oauth/OpenId?

  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Jason,

    I do know we have an ongoing enhancement request that is with our Product team for review to introduce Oauth2 authentication, but I do not have a timeline as of yet on when it may be implemented.

  • Tyler Loomis

    When are you going to have support for other IDPs like Okta?

  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Tyler,

    Support for Okta is currently in development, as for other IDPs - I am unsure of exactly where they are on our current roadmap, but I would not imagine they would be far behind Okta. At this time, I don't have any hard set expected time frame for these improvements to make it to release that I can provide, as the development process is still underway.

  • Joseph Peterson

    Any ETA on Okta?

  • Ian Butteriss
    Product Support

    Hi Joseph, Okta support will also be released in 13.2.0, so definitely look out for that release.


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