Scheduled Tasks do not reflect DST
Scheduled Tasks do not reflect DST, the time saved and used is always converted to GMT. No possibility to change the used time zone or if DST should be applied. so the scripts run 1hour shifted away...
Official comment
Currently, Cerberus scheduled jobs operate solely on UTC and do not take daylight savings into account, so you will need to adjust the timing of your jobs.
We have an open internal ticket for our product team to investigate adding support for DST in a later release.
To mitigate the impact of having to do change the run times of your tasks, we have created a Powershell script you can download and run to adjust the timing of your tasks when the time comes to change the clocks. You can download the script to reflect daylight saving time from here:
Pass: o%T-9iH7p&4G#xABAk9J
Before running, please stop the Cerberus service in the Windows Services Manager.
This script will adjust the start time for all Scheduled Tasks
It will adjust the current task start time to whatever value you give.
As in your case you need to adjust the time by an hour. You would give it a value of 1
This will add one hour to all your scheduled tasks.
If you need to remove an hour "-1" would take one hour away.
You can see more details here:
Adjust start time for all Scheduled Tasks
For each Cerberus FTP Scheduled Task, add or subtract the number of specified hours.
Add or subtract hours [23,-23]
Add or subtract minutes [59,-59]
EXAMPLEPS> adjusttime.ps1 1
Add an hour
EXAMPLEPS> adjusttime.ps1 -1
Fall back by an hour
EXAMPLEPS> adjusttime.ps1 0 30
Add thirty minutes
EXAMPLEPS> adjusttime.ps1 1 -ignoreDisabled 1
Adjust only enabled events forward one hour
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