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Easy access to IP filtering from Log-manager view



  • Torstein Kartmann

    On second thought some users might also want to remove IPs from blacklist when they get blocked. So maybe an ADD/REMOVE toggle would be a wiser solution.

  • Erling Herstad

    It is true that the amount of unwanted traffic is huge, and the log manager doesn't have enough filtering to support efficient use.

    I've requested months ago a way to save all my IP whitelistings, so they're maintaned in case the auto block list becomes to big. And a better way to display my white listings. 

  • Torstein Kartmann

    @Erling Herstad

    To preserve your IP listing I recommend  scheduling a daily backup. Then you import the IP list in Excel and extract the Until Never

  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Torstein!

    Thanks so much for your feature request. We've heard you loud and clear! This has been accepted as a feature request, and will be making its way through the process.

    All feedback and suggestions are very valuable to Cerberus. So we thank you once again.


  • Torstein Kartmann

    That's great news, thank you!


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