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Error while doing SOAP API



  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Khirthana!

    Sorry that you're running into issues using our SOAP API. Here is a helpful article that should lead you in the right direction, and provide additional details surrounding our use of SOAP API.

    You can access the WSDL directly on the Cerberus machine at:
    C:\Program Files\Cerberus LLC\Cerberus FTP Server\webadmin\admin\wsdl\Cerberus.wsdl

    Besides that method, another way would be to get it using https://localhost:8443/wsdl/Cerberus.wsdl not (10001).

    Let me know if you have any further troubles!

  • Khirthana Dinakaran

    Hi Connor,

    By creating web service for SOAP API, i was able to get lots of information like certificates and license info. Now, how can I use this for getting the same information? And, i am using port 8443 only.

  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Khirthana,

    You may be able to get the information you are looking for over SOAP API by using ServerInformation or ServerSummaryStatus. There are another few options under 'ServerInformation' that may assist in getting what you are looking for. Here is a quick link to the reference: Cerberus SOAP API Reference





  • Khirthana Dinakaran

    Hi Connor,

    Thank you for your quick response. The problem I am facing is that i am not able to run the below command to create a SOAP webservice:

     New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "https://localhost:8443/wsdl/Cerberus.wsdl"


  • Connor Woolfolk
    Community Manager

    Hello Khirthana,

    Would you be able to open up a support ticket with this information? This may require us to ask for logs, and other details that would be less suitable for sharing over this forum. I will gladly post the resolution here after we have figured it out. You can send us an email at


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