API vs GUI - add/remove from group
When adding and removing a user from a primary group using GUI the use values go back to values before adding to a group.
When using Powershell and the documentation at https://support.cerberusftp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005334400-Cerberus-Group-Modifications-with-PowerShell
When I add using powershell and then remove using powershell or through gui, some values are not being returned to the values before adding the group.
- User Can Change Password goes from checked to unchecked
- Max Logins goes from Unlimited to 0 (cant login)
- Allowed protocols get all unchecked
Why are those values not remembered when using Powershell vs GUI ?
Official comment
Hello Artur,
It looks like you've found a bug in the PowerShell example code:
Both instances of this line are incorrect:
$existingUser.$propName = @{priority = "user"; prioritySpecified = $true}
}Instead, they should read:
$existingUser.$propName.priority = "user";
$existingUser.$propName.prioritySpecified = $true
}The previous code was incorrectly "blanking out" the 'value' of these properties.
We will get the documentation updated as soon as possible.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Hello Arthur,
Could you please provide us with a snippet of the code you are using when removing the users from a group? We are currently running some tests to see if there is something missing.
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$newTestUserName = "xxx"
$newTestGroupName = "yyy"
[CerberusFtp.GetUserInformationRequest] $userInfoRequest = $requestWithCreds
$userInfoRequest.userName = $newTestUserName
[CerberusFtp.GetUserInformationResponse] $existingUserResponse = $CerberusSvc.GetUserInformation($userInfoRequest)
if (-not $existingUserResponse.result){
Write-Error "Failed to find user $newTestUserName : $($existingUserResponse.message)"
} else {
Write-Host "Successfully found $newTestUserName"
$existingUser = $existingUserResponse.UserInformation
$existingUser.groupList = @(@{name=$newTestGroupName})
foreach ($propName in @( "authMethod"
) {
$existingUser.$propName = @{priority = "group"; prioritySpecified = $true}
[CerberusFtp.AddUserRequest] $modifyUserRequest = $requestWithCreds
$modifyUserRequest.User = $existingUser
[CerberusFtp.AddUserResponse] $modifyUserResponse = $CerberusSvc.AddUser($modifyUserRequest)
if (-not $modifyUserResponse.result){
Write-Error "Failed to update exiting user: $($modifyUserResposne.message)"
} else {
Write-Host "Successfully made $newTestUserName a member of $newTestGroupName"
# remove from group
[CerberusFtp.GetUserInformationRequest] $getUserRequest = $requestWithCreds
$getUserRequest.userName = $newTestUserName
[CerberusFtp.GetUserInformationResponse] $getUserResponse = $CerberusSvc.GetUserInformation($getUserRequest)
if (-not $getUserResponse.result){
Write-Error "Failed to retrieve user: $(getUserResponse.message)"
} else {
Write-Host "Successfuly retrieved $($getUserResponse.UserInformation.name)"
$existingUser = $getUserResponse.UserInformation
if ($existingUser.groupList.Count -lt 1){
Write-Error "Cannot remove user from group; user is not a member of any group"
} else {
$previousMembership = $existingUser.groupList
$existingUser.groupList = @()
foreach ($propName in @( "authMethod"
) {
$existingUser.$propName = @{priority = "user"; prioritySpecified = $true}
[CerberusFtp.AddUserRequest] $modifyUserRequest = $requestWithCreds
$modifyUserRequest.User = $existingUser
[CerberusFtp.AddUserResponse] $modifyUserResponse = $CerberusSvc.AddUser($modifyUserRequest)
if (-not $modifyUserResponse.result){
Write-Error "Failed to update exiting user: $($modifyUserResponse.message)"
} else {
Write-Host "Successfully removed $newTestUserName from $($previousMembership.name -join ', ')"
}0 -
user "xxx" pre-exists
with no primary or secondary group
password never expires - yes
user can change password - yes
disabled - no
max logons - unlimited
allowed protocols - only https
group "yyy" prexists
members 0
user can change password - yes
disabled - yes
max logons - unlimited
protocols - only https
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Thanks, Artur. Our development team is reviewing this information, and we will provide an update as soon as we can. We appreciate your patience.
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Yes, that works!
Thank you for fast response.
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